Will it ever make it to dvd. Or will we have to wait 10 years for the HD Blueray version.
shareWill it ever make it to dvd. Or will we have to wait 10 years for the HD Blueray version.
shareTen years ago, Warner UK released a widescreen version on VHS. The transfer was excellent, with minimal fading or print damage. Hopefully, a DVD will appear at some point. Too late for a star or director commentary, alas.
shareThis title is being released on DVD on 12/19/2006. Your local Suncoast Motion Picture Company will reserve it for you.
shareAs for being dejected about the impossibility of Warner including commentary by the director or star, don't bother being saddened. Warner DVD's are pretty lame on the extras for the most part. Hell, they're still sticking us with those cardboard holders.
shareI'm no Warners lover, but I need to give you a little reality fix, Ray - Warners stopped using the cardboard holders ages ago. Do try to keep up. As to The Illustrated Man on DVD - it's a reasonably okay transfer (the color is a little off, but not much), but as always people who "review" these things on the imdb trumpet "misunderstood masterpiece" so often it's laughable. No, this film, which was a critical and box-office disaster, has not become a masterpiece in the intervening years - it's the same bad film it always was. Anyone who says (condescendingly, I might add) "It's for thinkers" clearly knows little about Mr. Bradbury, cinema, or thinking. The film has no sense of rhythm or pace, and it just sits there like a dead herring. Mr. Steiger is fine, so is Claire Bloom and Robert Drivas, but the script is bad, and the normally reliable Jack Smight seems hamstrung by the material.
shareSaw the DVD, and it had some nice featurettes about the tatoo process that Rod Steiger endured, and some script readings with director Jack Smight.
It was one of those little films that stayed with you for a long time, despite the limitations of the budget and fx.
Steiger made the film come alive, and it wasnt a critical success, but I personally liked it. It ran slow, but it was always intriguing, compelling and haunting.
why would it be released on DVD if it didnt have some small,loyal following?
laugh at the misunderstood masterpiece - I'll enjoy it again and again.
I'm still waiting on the Blu-ray!