This film was a disappointment for me. The implications of the film (gory killings, creepy house, twist ending, etc.) suggest that it should have been good. But, the end product is rather disappointing.
Nothing disappoints more than Frankie Avalon. Come on, Frankie Avalon (the same Frankie Avalon who starred in the Beach Party movies) as the star of a British horror movie? I know there was a trend in the late 1960s and early 1970s to cast the unlikeliest faces in British horror movies (Amicus being the prime suspect), but this was completely ridiculous. Even Richard O'Sullivan from the TV sitcom, MAN ABOUT THE HOUSE, looks more at home.
Rather strangely, the trivia and some rumours reveal that some big name stars - Boris Karloff, Peter Cushing and David Bowie were to appear in this film. It's rather a pity they didn't because I think the film could have been a cult classic if they did. Anyone would have been better than Frankie Avalon!