MovieChat Forums > Easy Rider (1969) Discussion > Is There A Director's Cut For This Film?

Is There A Director's Cut For This Film?

By chance, I ended up on the Britannica page for Easy Rider while looking up some other topic. One part said:
"Many of the scenes are crude and rambling—the film’s original cut ran nearly four hours—and Easy Rider can easily be viewed as a period piece, albeit a significant one, that reflected simplistic, though common, perceptions of the day, with everything countercultural or mainstream deemed either good or evil, respectively. The film’s bleak conclusion—in which Wyatt and Billy have a violent encounter with men in a pickup truck—is still jarring for audiences."

The film's orginal cut ran nearly four hours. Has anyone seen the uncut version? Is it available? Would that be the director Dennis Hopper's version? I can see how it could stretch into four hours, man, ha ha.


This IS the director's cut. There was no studio input.
