How to defeat Colossus/Guardian

If they do a remake, just load both computers with Windows 8. Neither of them will know how to do anything and they'll beg to go back to Windows 7. Meanwhile disarm the Nukes then pull the plug.

"Knowledge is cheap at any price"


I guess you are a Mac user, I've been using Windows 8 and now 8.1 since either launched and I love it, the first reliable operating system from Microsoft since window 98 Second Edition.

You don't know sh!t, Jon Snow!


Anybody who cannot be just as productive with Windows 8 (esp. 8.1) as they were with Windows 7 or XP in under two hours should take up digging ditches and never touch a computer again.

Anybody who can make a Windows 7 computer run for as long without crashing as a properly installed and configured Windows 8 machine will should take up walking on water, healing the sick, and climbing mountains to discuss things with God.

/Bruce/ [aka Slasher]
DPC, USN (ret.)


Fine then.

Upload Vista.


Nerdfest topic


Kirk could have taken down both computers on his lunch break.


Outsource all the software development to India. The software would have so many bugs, a 6 year old child could walk up to Colossus, kick the machine in its side, and it would self-destruct out of sheer incompetence on the part of its software system.
