Don't Like Snakes

Have watched this classic umpteen times but only now saw the irony near the end when Butch says he doesn't like snakes. A little later while dressing their wounds before going out against the Bolivians, Butch suggests they go to Australia next. The irony of course is that Australia has lots of snakes, including the ten most poisonous in the world. Guess Butch didn't know that.


Good point. I never thought about that. Of course, they didn't really have a handle on.Bolivia before they got there, did they? Who knows, they might have thrived in Australia. Food for thought. We.shall never know...

Great white sharks are attracted to death metal music.


There are few places on earth that do not have snakes. He might have gone to Hawaii, New Zealand, Ireland, or Iceland, but those are all fairly small islands where it would be hard for a bad guy to disappear.
