Was that really Hitler?

Often wondered something but can't find out. In the speech at the Sportspalast, after Berlin has been bombed, Hitler (vowing revenge) is obviously portrayed by an actor, but only from behind or from a distance. Is the audio from a recording of the actual speech? Sure sounds like the real McCoy, and why have someone redo it when you have the genuine article? I understand a book was written about the making of the movie -- maybe the answer's in there. JB


It certainly sounds like him.
That voice and inflection are nearly impossible to reproduce.


Hi, I've since been able to retrieve a portion of this September 4, 1940 speech online, though it was lacking the critical passages (kind of a creepy experience, 'cause I got the impression it was posted on a neo-Nazi site). The audio I did listen to sounded different from that in the film (a little "less Hitlerish"), unless it was cleaned up for the film. Also, the lines spoken in the film are non-sequential -- i.e., are pieced together from different parts of the speech, though certainly that could be done by splicing audio.

You're right about the voice and inflection. I visited Berlin where my brother was studying in January 1990, right after the Wall fell, and as the plane circled Tegel airport to land "the voice" burst in on my consciousness unbidden, like a ghost!


No. Having just watched the film with the director's commentary, he says that he was lucky to find an actor who really looked like Hitler.

"Everybody in the WORLD, is bent"


Hi and thanks,

I know the visual footage is not of him (though yes, from behind the actor is a good likeness). My question is, did they dub in the actual audio from 1940?

Since posting my question I've listened to a recording of portions of the actual speech, though not the passages in question (I found it in a web posting by someone who appears to be a neo-Nazi, I'm sorry to say, which is like rooting through garbage). Anyway, the recording quality was much poorer than what you hear in the movie, so unless it was cleaned up I doubt it was the same. Good SOUNDalike, though, in addition to the visual likeness!


he was lucky to find an actor who really looked like Hitler.

Yeah, I bet that's what Rolf Stiefel was saying too... "I'm so lucky I look like Hitler..."



I doubt the voice was actually a recording of Hitler. It was based on his speech, but it's too clear and clean to have been an original recoding.

As far as the difficulty in finding someone who could mimic Hitler, I don't think it would have been as daunting a task as some have supposed. Actors have been able to mimic Churchill, Montgomery, Roosevelt, and pretty much every President in the modern era. Why would Hitler be that difficult for a German actor?


It's definetly *not* a Hitler-recording. It isn't that far off the mark, but it ain't Hitler.

Oh, BTW: German's my native language.



IMO That's quite an amazing scene in the film and an impressive bit of set building, all for just a few minutes of movie- I assume it might have been a redressed concert hall but still. Those female Nazi fanatics saluting and shouting "Seig Heil!" were nurses in reality BTW! The set builders outdid themselves - the Reich Chancellery is also impressive, and again all for just a few minutes of film.

"Oh dear. How sad. Never mind!"


It wasn't real Hitler, the speaker was Rolf Stiefel who also played the part of Hitler. I've heard/read from somewhere that he was a cabaret star in Germany who used to spoof Hitler as a part of his act. If that is true, it proves that Germans do have a sense of humour and self irony when laughing to the guy who brought their country down.
Hitler in BoB certainly is no spoof, and is one of the most historically and otherwise accurate portrayals of Hitler.

In Finland we have this thing called "reilu meininki"


Course if it was there would be no royalty or copywrite infringments so that no money would be given for the services of acting nazi



Bruno Ganz in Downfall is an unnervingly lookalike and soundalike Hitler.


Yes, he's right on the (Deutsche) mark.


Yes, that was really Hitler. He survived the war and is now living in Paraguay. He flew up special to make this appearance in the movie.

(I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist.)

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


The scene was actually filmed in Spain.


Oh. In that case, it actually WAS Hitler. My mistake.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Yes, and he made another appearance a while back in "Downfall".
