Attempted aircraft explosions with cheap graphics?
There were numerous scenes where collisions, midair collisions or crashes of downed planes were represented with rather cheap, primitive graphics. Just a painted on look of orange splash...and the plane had hit the ground and was gone. Now of course these priceless aircraft can't be destroyed for a movie, and there were few to go around, but this could have been handled with explosives and large scale models, as many of the on-the-ground explosions were. The same criticism goes here...the planes crashing or blowing up on the ground were such flimsy wood and plastic and wood models (no contents, just an outer skin) that it minimized the effect of what otherwise could have been a better movie. As unrealistic as those graphically created collsions were, so to were the clothing and hairdos of the women and men; the women exp, definitive 60s "beat generation" hairdos. When the details are unrealistic and anachroistic
a movie loses its credibility.