It's on TCM this weekend!

TCM is playing it this Saturday at 1:30 ET, July 29th, 2006!! I have already put a timer on it so I don't miss any of it. I always catch it right in the middle. I'm glad I finally get a chance to see the whole thing. My kids will be napping so I can watch in peace! Yeah!


im watching it right now! ^_^

i loveee this movie!!


Finally!!!! I saw it from start to finish!!! Yes!!!! Now I just need to get a copy of it on DVD as soon as it gets released. Awesome movie. The two scenes with the three year old Elizabeth are sooooo heart wrenching! And her confrontation w/ Henry while in prison where she predicts Elizabeth's reign raises hairs on my arm. I've read that she did say something to that effect just before her death. And that people remembered it when Elizabeth was crowned, making the belief that Anne was a witch even stronger.
