Very enjoyable!
I hadn't known anything about this film, I just picked it up because it had James Mason and Helen Mirren. I didn't know anything at all about the story, or the content.
It started slow and had that very unappealing (to me, anyway) kind of 60s schlock feel to it at first, but once things settled down on Dunk Isle. and we got to know everyone, I found myself very much drawn in. And THEN Helen Mirren loses her clothes!
Anyway, it was very good - James Mason gave another very solid performance, Helen Mirren was very interesting, in addition to presenting quite a captivating image to behold, and Jack MacGowran was very funny!
Neither a heavy nor a deep story, but a pleasant and nicely drawn sketch that ends well. Dated touches, such as the music, were not too hard to take (although the song at the end credits was really bad!)