MovieChat Forums > Sesame Street (1969) Discussion > PBS just can't seem to get a break.

PBS just can't seem to get a break.

Too bad, really. What's his name and his coke habbit, the Frugal Gourmet chasing after young male interns, one or two other allegations, and now Elmo.

Based on my last 15 years with PBS, and a realization of what I personally went through with those SOBs, all I can say is HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

PBS = mental health broadcasting, and one of their crown jewels has taken another hit. Awwwwwwwwww.

Well, they are just allegations, and nothing substantiated. But I hope this really puts the PBS people and their untouchable status IN THEIR PLACE.

We need a man like Mister Rogers back in the hood again.


Not to mention politicians constantly using the idea of cutting off their funding as a CAMPAIGN PROMISE. Ouch.

So are you an employee, former employee? You sound like it.



I worked in the film industry during the 80s and 90s, had one or two (maybe more) base-touching assignments affiliated with PBS, but nothing where I was involved with a shoot with them.

My personal wrangles are just that. We know of one another, and, hopefully, have moved on. I may write a book about it someday, and what their function really is in society. Nothing damaging. Nothing scathing. Nothing ridiculing their purpose. But something that says "hey look America, this is what they do, why they do it, some people think it's good work, but here's why... and what do you think about that and some of the short comings?"

I'm kind of over my animosity with them, but I'll never forget what I had to go through. Not ever.

Thanks for reading.


Ah, nothing quite like the rantings and ravings of a disgruntled worker. It's obvious you've never moved on, I hope you do one of these days.


I think it's time for "Sesame Street" to go into reruns and stop airing new shows altogether like they did with "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood".
