Follow That Bird
I have never seen this movie before as it came out less than 4 years before I was born. This August it will have been 30 years since the original theatrical release. Did anyone here see it back in 1985?
I heard that Easy Goin Day was re-shot in the winter because the film got damaged. And all the trees were spray painted green. Is that true?
So it was most likely shot in the summer of 1984, with the retake of Easy Goin Day in January/February 1985?
I'm So Blue is a very sad song, btw. I almost left home for a summer job this year and even though I would love to do it if I lived within driving distance, I don't know if I'd be able to leave my friends. If I did it, then I would feel just like Big Bird when he sings I'm So Blue and One Little Star.