Shirley Abbots pool
It appears that the location for this scene is 361 N Saltair Ave in Brentwood.
I saw it listed in the real estate section this Sunday and it looks exactly like Shirley Abbots house. It is very distinctive.
It appears that the location for this scene is 361 N Saltair Ave in Brentwood.
I saw it listed in the real estate section this Sunday and it looks exactly like Shirley Abbots house. It is very distinctive.
The pool looks a lot more like the one that had the plexiglass cover on it.
Update: Got around to comparing the ad to the film, pool and house look nothing like the one in the movie. I had only looked at it through earthview before, and the general shape of the pool looked like the plexiglass one, but not the surroundings.
Man without relatives is man without troubles. Charlie Chan