Other movies with similiar endings
I was thinking about this unique movie for the past few days. The way it ended with Ned basically having a nervous breakdown was such a brilliant touch. I was then trying to think of other movies in which the character's last scene has him/her having a nervous breakdown before the closing credits. I could only think of a few movies that had a similar type of depressing ending. I am sure there are others.
Seize the Day -- Robin Williams is broke and he has come to the realization that he is in over his head financially; his cruel father, a doctor, refuses to help him,and pretty much tells him that he is on his own. After getting yelled at by his wife (who won't grant him a divorce) for not paying child support, the last scene has him crying at some stranger's funeral.
Blow Out -- Soundman John Travolta's plan to nab the killer causes Nancy Allen's death. The last scene of the movie is a close-up of his face. Later in a sound studio: He seems to be having a nervous breakdown has he listens to her scream, a scream that he recorded right before she was murdered, and he is now using to dub into a low grade horror film.
Godfather II -- I don't have to go into the details. The last scene shows him as a broken man.