This is why the ending (and the premise of the film) dont work [SPOILER]
So, Ned does NOT live at "his house". His wife is NOT there. Nor are his kids. They are long gone. The house is abandoned for some reason (you'd think it would be sold, if Ned's wife-- who "had all the money"-- left him). But OK.
Somehow Ned (from whereever he has been living) finds his way back to his old haunts and is reacquainting himself with his neighbors.
YET, not one of the people who encounter Ned know that: 1) his house is unoccupied and desolate (and has been for some time), 2) his wife and kids are gone.
This just isn't credible.
This is a upper-upper class community, which is very concerned with status. Everyone talks about everything and knows about everyone else. Ned's house being abandoned would be a HUGE story. They'd all know if Ned's wife and the kids had left. They'd all know that his mansion was abandoned and shuttered. Yet, every single person he encounters has no idea that this is the case.
So, while I applaud the movie for its originality, it just not plausible that the movie, as it is presented, works. Still a great movie, though. (I'll bet the short story on which the movie was based had a more credible set-up.)