MovieChat Forums > Sweet November (1968) Discussion > This Movie Goes Right Through Me / Spoil...

This Movie Goes Right Through Me / Spoilers

Major Spoilers.

I've seen this movie a few times now, and everytime I watch it it hits me like a ton of bricks.

"Let him stay! Let him stay!"

And she doesn't, and I just cry and cry and cry.

And then I get over it, and then I watch it again, thinking, okay, this time, I know the ending's coming, and I'm going to understand it, and not be overwhelmed by it, And I am overwhelmed by it, and I don't get why it moves me so much.

I mean, you'd think that having seen it more than once, and knowing what's coming, it wouldn't hit me so hard.

Is anyone else out there driven to tears everytime they watch this movie?


I agree and I'm a guy. Near the end of the movie it's hard not to hold back the tears. It's a great movie and too bad it's not out on DVD. I have the VHS tape and watch it at least once a year near Christmas. I am a big Sandy Dennis fan.


Thanks for sharing, Patchofblue.

it's always nice to learn that there are others out there who are aware of this movie.


I could not have been more than eight years old when I saw this movie on late night TV in the 70's and even then it crushed me. I have not seen it since, and at 40, I still remember how it made me feel.


i first watched this film in april 1981 on late night tv and cried uncontrollably it still makes me cry when i watch it and also sad that sandy dennis and anthony newley are now both gone


I too am a huge Sandy Dennis fan. Her performance in this film is magnificent. She was probably never better than this, although her performance in "A Touch Of Love" is also very moving and realistic


I'm a guy too and the first time I saw this movie on TV in the UK I was in pieces. I've seen it since and it made me cry all over again. Something about the poignancy of the situation, and in the passing of the months, the tragic inevitability of time and tide. Sandy Dennis and Tony Newley are both wonderful in it too, and I love the theme song so much. It is just about the most evocative film song I've heard. I've tried everywhere to find it but to no avail.

Warners you're a worldwide corporation, export this dvd internationally!



I cry too, every time I see this movie.


I was 20, dating a 31 year old lady, and her sister's daughter, who was about my age, was visiting and she asked if I had ever seen it. It was on tv and she insisted I watch it. We did and it was very nice, a very nice evening. Not only was it a good film, sometimes the events that surround the experience make it more memorable.


Yeah it's one of those movies that no matter how many times you watch it you always hope it will end differently with everyone happy. The Heiress is another one that everytime I see it I hope they will end up together.


Don't Make Me Have to Release the Flying Monkeys!


thank you to everyone for these shares


It still makes me cry, too! I think I must have seen this movie a dozen times and every time it gets to me.


The most memorable film I have ever seen. It taught me what love really is...



I saw it as a child around 1979 on tv late at night. back when tv went off the air around 1am. and there were only 3 channels anyway.
I always remembered it i remembered the lines and scenes. It came on tv tonight in 2012 and i re watched it for the first time since. It was just as i remembered it. so good.


I am like most of the posters on here. I came across this movie for the first time back in the 70's when the Major Networks use to show movies on Friday or Saturday nights. To this day the movie has stayed with me and has formed a lasting impression on how I wish my love life would work out once in a while. But truthfuly what is it about this movie that when you rewatch it you hope for a better ending where they stay together. I have rewatch many many movies in my life and for some reasion this is the only film that does that to me that I can think of. In fact tonight I rewatched it for the first time in 20 years and I still was hoping for the happy ending.

An added bonus Sandy Dennis is still my Ideal woman all because of this movie I would go home with her even if it was only for a Month.

There is more Gravy about you then the Grave. Scrooge.


I know what you mean about the ending, and yet I'm glad that the filmmakers didn't insert a happy ending. It would have seemed trite and cliched, and the finish that we got is so much more meaningful and makes the film that much more memorable. Sara kept to her principles even though it meant losing the love of her life, and yet it also meant that Charlie didn't have to deal with her death, and he can always keep the lively and lovely Sara in his memory. Sweet November is a great film which always touches me every time I watch it. (But avoid the remake like the plague....Keanu Reeves ruins it with his horrid acting.)


i imagine there wasn't a dry eye in the house back in the 1968 theatres


Funny you should write that.

There wasn't! I saw it on a date with my boyfriend of the time (we didn't know anything about the film except that Sandy Dennis and Tony Newley were in it), and we went into the theater unaware that the word "sweet" in the title was....bittersweet and ironic.

My boyfriend was on leave from the army and going back to Vietnam in a week.

To say the film hit us hard is an understatement. Imagine seeing that film when you are on your way back to a war? And saying goodbye to somebody going back to a war? Ugh.

We both cried in the theater but tried to hide it. But we were probably crying both for them and for us.

The ride home to my house in the car was completely silent. We just didn't know what to say. But we knew what we both were thinking.

Fortunately, he came through the war unscathed with just a minor couple of scratches. But we were both affected by the film and talked about it later after his returned home for good. We had been deeply affected by that meditation on love and loss.

Seeing it on TCM this week brought back alot of memories of that time, not to mention which those white go-go boots. God, we all had those sodding white go-go boots. Ha


great story, I always wonder how movies were appreciated at the time. I somehow missed this movie over the years and just caught the other day on tmc too (-: the ending was devastating, (mainly for Anthony Newleys great delivery at the end, really well done)


I love this film, and I love Sandy. I`m sitting here in this library, reading all of these posts, and would`nt you know it, I think I`m starting to well up as I`m reading all this. When Anthony realizes that he HAS to leave, for HER own well being, even though he wants to stay, and not break his heart, its HER wish that he must give in to, and not be selfish, that`s when I break down. Because she knows that she must move on to the next man that she can help. This coming November should be sweet as well, because there is a bio book of Sandy coming out, check it out on amazon. Plus there is also a book already out, for about 15 years now, where Sandy relates her thoughts from her childhood, and her later years with all of her lovely feline friends. I forgot the title, but it has a photo of her on the cover, with one of her cats up on her neck. Its a compilation of notes she wrote down, that her friends found after she passed, and decided to release them, with the procedes going to help homeless animals.


He's terrific, but oh, Sandy's character is one of the original Manic Pixie Dream Girls.


I like sandy dennis alot, and so I tuned in after ch surfing...neewly I only know from arthur...I was kinda blown away by this movie. I am not a big romanic movie nut, but I was taken by surprise, big time! I may never forget the ending,!! She is such a dynamic actor and the way she resists her love for neewly and I guess trusts in her instincts and what she knows? It is not something you see, or expect in movies,, or anywhere maybe? I went into a major mush ball, and rewatched it 3 times..tried to watch just to see them do it..purely academic and I couldn't. Sandy Dennis and the writting was why....must have been something to play off her in a role...


I have loved this movie since I first saw it in the early 70s. I recorded it on my tape recorder (the only way at the time) and listened to it over and over again. I can quote who scenes. Love everyone in this movie, but especially Tony Newley. I would have let him stay!
