Nice pun by Rachel

When she is drinking with the undertaker/landlord (paraphrased):

Him: 'did I tell you I just bought a very large organ that stands upright?'
Her: 'you mean you can just go out and buy one? That should make wives happy.'

Pretty naughty for 1968. One of the reasons the film got the CONDEMNED rating from the Catholic Church no doubt.

Right, then, old chap. Large brandies all around, what?



Did I miss something? What did Rachel do to get to sleep?

I Love....ME!!!!


Rachel masturbated before sleeping.

She's ruined my wedding. I will not look at her.


And it plays all by itself!

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


Not particularly. I'm sure if the Catholics hated it, it's because she engaged in premarital sex and planned an abortion.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


Oh, the old Legion of Decency ratings! The consummate patriarchal stuffed shirts.

I used to take my parents' copy of The Catholic Digest into the bathroom to scour the movie ratings for the Big C ("Condemned"), then laugh and laugh at what they found beyond the pale - and vowing to buy a ticket to every one of them.

Reminds me of the famous H.L. Mencken quote: "Puritanism: the haunting fear that someone, somewhere is having a good time."
