...Felix clearing his ears. FMUH,FMUH!!FMUH FMUH FMUH FMUH!!!FUUUUU-MUH!! FMUHFMUHFMUH FMUHMFUHMFUH FFFFFMUH!!!! Me and my mom sat for hours doing that.And then I watched it again the next week,and she was busy in the kitchen.I yelled,You wanna see this scene?" She said,"No." And I yelled,"What's FMUH-ing wrong with you??"XD
"Hey,Cos,do something!Call me a Cab!" "Okay,you're a cab."
Watching it right now. All the lines in the poker scene after Felix has actually moved in are funny. Felix is giving everybody coasters and napkins and hot sandwiches and Oscar says "Murry. I'll give you $200 for your gun."
@ filipelli: you say it like it's bad thing. :O I'm 12, my brain is till tiny and I like it ;) *´¨)Donald O'Connor is ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·´ The tinpantithesis of melody