I picked up the Slam Dunk version for a fiver at Manchester Airport a couple of weeks ago.
At that point I had no idea that there were other versions of the film, but I watched it last night and some of the editing was very choppy in places, which led me to suspect that it was a cut version. This in turn led me to do some checking on t'Internet and it now appears that the Slam Dunk issue is indeed a "bare bones" issue of the original (cut) version passed by the BBFC in the 1960s.
Neither of the alternate versions of the film are on the disc (neither the "Director's cut" or the "Export Version") and the only extras are indeed the stills that a previous poster mentioned.
Okay for a fiver - but my advice would be to avoid the Slam Dunk version if you'd prefer the more complete alternatives with the additional blood & semi-nudity.
One more thing as well - the Slam Dunk version has the wrong aspect ratio. I don't know the 'nerdspeak' for this ("reframed for full-screen"??), but this is clearly apparent at the beginning when the opening credits are chopped off down the sides, with no possibility of restoring them even by playing around with the various screen format settings on the TV remote.