Historical character

One of the interesting things about the witch hunts that took place in the civil war years was the fact that the women torured and murdered were the holders of the ancient herbal knowledge. In many respects they were the last remnants of the old druidic shamanistic tradition. They were herbalists and they were deliberately wiped out and their knowledge destroyed. It was an orchestrated effort by some degenerate character like Hopkins who took advantage of the collapse in civil law and order to pursue their path.

It is my understanding that Cromwell and the parliamentarians were financed by diamond dealers of Amsterdam. A most curious enterprise. Wonderful film too.


I think it was more simplistic than that. Hopkins was just after making money. And he didn't like women. He wasn't good-looking and women used to turn him down.


Being a herbalist doesn't make you a druid or shaman.

Witch hunts often targeted wise old women, but in some cases pretty much anyone could end up being accused. It was mainly done for money.


There was a shamanic tradition behind the early herbalists and this link still remains. Note how there is currently going on a modern inquisition going on against herbalists under codex alimentarius and the United Nations wretches.


I think that the accusations that Hopkins worked with were probably brought about by the vindictiveness of one villager against another in some cases. Also I think that Cavalier or King sympathisers were chosen in the witch-hunt. This project was a Parliamentarian cause. So what better when to instil fear among the populace and get the people in general on their side through that fear?
