It seems to me like the worst thing you can do is leave the safety of your island ... that getting on that raft is almost a death wish. On the island you have water and food and protection from storms and no predators like sharks. On the other had there may come a point where you just want to get off the island no matter the cost. What do you think.
Yes, I've wondered about that. When things are at their worst on the raft, they'd probably be very glad to be back on the island.
On the other hand... Kuroda is a captain in the Japanese navy, he probably knows a fair bit about where their island is, the ocean currents and where they might take the raft, about shipping lanes and the likelihood of being picked up by either navy, or spotted from the air. And after all, they do arrive at somewhere more into the war zone, an area that has obviously been inhabited and fought over by both sides, and where they can at least get cleaned up and have a drink, and possibly make contact with their own forces.
Which raises the question of what would happen next. I'm not sure if we know the date, and therefore what the situation is in the outside world.