MovieChat Forums > Il grande silenzio (1969) Discussion > Did anyone else find this film hard to f...

Did anyone else find this film hard to find?

I'm just wondering if anyone else found it as hard to find as myself. I could never find it in any movie store and finally tried to get it on ebay but there was only something like 5 copies available all from the UK. (I'm from Canada so that format wouldn't work) I finally found 1 copy posted on ebay in Florida and quickly bought it but it was months after I decided that I wanted to buy it! Is there only one company distributing this film and are they located in the UK?


Hi, Movie Groves is the only place I found it, [email protected] I think they are based here in the UK, the prices were first in English pounds. Hope this helps.


Thanks for your help:)



You must realise that this classic western has never been given a television airing since its release in 1968.Like most other obscure but excellent films they take a very long time to be released onto dvd.Another favorite film to highlite the fact was Charles Bronsons excellent hard knuckle fighting film The Streetfighter or Hardtimes.It came out in 1977 and remained on video until 1996,the dvd eventually saw release in 2002 and hardly ranks amongst Bronsons best films.
Imagine then an obscure western that not many people have heard of,release onto disc may take many years and sometimes becomes deleated without you realising it was ever released.The Great Silence thankfully is silent no more so everyone can now see this brilliant film but donot expect to ever see it on the box.


I've seen this film on TV about four times and I'm watching it on Film 4 right now.


The Beeb have shown the movie twice (once on MovieDrome in 1989, and again on BBC1 in 1996).

'What does it matter what you say about people?'
Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958).


Actually, for those with Dish Network or Direct TV, just look for Spaghetti Westerns on IFC (131 on Dish, and 550 on DTV) I watched it for the first time in November 05 on IFC as part of a Spaghetti Westerns collection. If you have never seen this movie before and you buy the DVD, the prime moment to watch it is on a cold snowy evening in winter with a fire going. Thats how I watched it the first time, and it gave me the chills and it elevated the emotions of the movie. So if you're sitting on the couch this winter and you stroll upon IFC and The Great Silence is on. Press Select.


I got it from Netflix, actually.

Can you forgive the boy who shot you in the head?


film 4 are showing it this month,in fact im watching it right now..looks good


It's £5.99 on now. Free delivery.


I picked up the DVD from Music Zone for £1.99 during the summer. Might be worth a look in one their stores.



Acctually it's £4.99 now.


IFC (Independent Film Channel) is showing it January 24, 25, and 26th 2007. Check your local listings for more info.


(l.o.l.) i saw this film on ifc during the jan 24-27 showings.
i am as big a fan of spaghetti westerns as their is, and i'd never even heard of it!
it's incredible cinematography, stylised violence and social-political (mixed) message is pretty amazing to me, jaded filmgoer that i am.
plenty of familiar faces from the genre's other big successes (the leone films).
and the ending? what can you say about that? surprised even me.
the kind of atypical moviemaking you look for and expect to see on i.f.c.

gregory 012507


its on cable's IFC channel wed 4/18/07 at 9am.


I was able to buy the Region 0 edition off of eBay quite easily last year. It should be about $15. The cover is the same as the picture shown for the film here.
