FUNNY GIRL Revival 'Postponed'
The producers are unable to raise the $12 million they feel is necessary to do it right. I'm not surprised, as I never gave this revival much of a chance anyway. Streisand wasn't yet a superstar in 1964 (had the word even been coined yet?) but she was apparently already well-known enough to carry a troubled $500,000 - $600,000 production on her shoulders - I've said since this new production was announced, and before Ambrose was cast, that FUNNY GIRL is not really a show so beloved by audiences that a revival will succeed without a high-caliber, high-profile star- FUNNY GIRL is no longer a show that will make a performer a star - it's a show that needs a star to carry it. My guess is that 'postponed' will turn out to mean 'cancelled.' ngagements-of-Funny-Girl-Postponed
"In my case, self-absorption is completely justified."