Your Favorite Parts?
What parts of Joe's physique did you like the best?
For me, it would be his face, chest, hands, butt, legs...hell, it would be everything!
I have the gift of gab
What parts of Joe's physique did you like the best?
For me, it would be his face, chest, hands, butt, legs...hell, it would be everything!
I have the gift of gab
The hard on I think. Yeah, definitely.
shareThere is defionantly more to Joe than just "his friend down there" Although I'm not complaining about anyone saying that because Joe sure looks good all over!
His hair.
Every feature on his face.
His arms, chest, back, legs, that nice round behind.........everything looks good on Joe!
Dallesandro was so perfectly proportioned, everything went together nicely. His body was just muscular enough for his size without being too big or small. And he wasn't veiny.
I'm glad he wasn't one of those men who have relatively thin legs compared to their buff arms and chest {Brad Pitt} or a larger head than you'd expect on the body {Tom Cruise and others}.
Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.
I'm sorry, mrs oleson, but I just do not understand the appeal of this film. Could you explain?
I just felt that in many parts the film insists upon itself.
Much of the film's premise seems a little too pretentious, with idolisation of Joe being the driving force of the film - something I do not fuly appreciate.
Is there something I am missing about this film? I understand it's not scripted and mostly improvised, but it just makes me feel that Joe the Hustler is a poor speaker and rather uneducated. Is it supposed to resemble his actual personality. I look forward to your reply of my constructive criticism.
I admit this film may not appeal to every taste and true, there is an idolisation of Joe, but those who are appealed by the film are the ones who like him. He is, after all, a good looking man with a fantastic physique. As to him being a "poor speaker" and acting "uneducated", I don't think that reflects his actual personality. A few years ago I saw him in an interview and the things he said were quite intelligent. You may not appreciate his idolisation in Flesh, but as I've said before, not everbody will share the same taste for this film.
I have the gift of gab
Joey D' A 's best part is undoubtedly his transcendentally gorgeous ass, but the whole film is a love song to his beauty. The camera makes love to him. The suggestion that he may be a poor speaker or "not cultured" is so grotesquely clueless that I must assume it was meant to be snide.
If the Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard, It can also be like a chicken-pox mark.