I just watched Heat and Flesh. I look at him and I don't get how one man had so many perfect attributes! I know that I can't think of anyone that looked as good as Joe did. Can anyone else think of a man that looks as good as Joe or even 2nd best looking to Joe?
I know exactly what you mean. The only other who comes to mind for me would be Mark Wahlberg. True, he's not that handsome, but wow oh wow, those clearly defined pec muscles are attributes almost equal to Joe's.
OMG, mrs oleson.......Wahlberg was my second pick for best body. It sure is a small world! Nice to see that so far we think alike.
You would probably love the way my husband looks. He has a Walberg body with a Brad Pitt face. The problem with being with a guy that looks that good is....women are always looking and flirting. I've gotten use to it.
WOW! To have a hubby with those attributes!!! Must be pure heaven! Yes, nice we agree on Mark as having the second best bod around. I just loved him in Planet of the Apes. That skin tight astronaut outfit looked so spendid on him. Also loved his performance and the way he moved while riding a horse. If that's not man, I don't know what is!
He was amazingly beautiful in every way, but I still think there are quite a lot who give him a run for his money. A lot of gorgeous looking guys out there.
"What are you looking at?" "Wipe that face off your head, bitch."