This one has too many plot holes

Such as

1. All of a sudden you have to pray for Count Dracula to be destroyed. that

never happened in the early ones or the later ones

2. Dracula pulled the stake out, that was ridiculous

3. Dracula casts a reflection ?

I don't know what Hammer Films was trying to accomplish here

Definatly one of the weaker ones in the series


None of these are plot holes. They are bits of revised folklore that you dislike.

The prayer element worked in the context of the film. Yes, it is a new element, introduced here, but so what?

Having Dracula pull the stake out was not ridiculous. He is supposed to be an old, powerful master vampire, harder to destroy than your garden variety vampire.

Hammer's Dracula was never said to cast no reflection, so this is not even inconsistent with the earlier films.

reply Horror of Dracula, when Van Helsing is recording his notes on the old gramophone machine, he lists the various weaknesses and ways to spot a vampire -and mentions them not casting reflections.

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."



How exactly did Dracula manage to kill someone inside a church (presumably still consecrated at the time)?

And just how does a priest get seduced into serving Dracula?

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."





The atrocity was the murder. He probably killed her outside it, then took her inside it.

Am I going to see a "plot holes" thread in every board for Lee's Dracula movies? Don't people have anything better to do than to post that getting vampire lore wrong is a plot hole?


LOL Really! And there's a reason it's called fiction! You can make up whatever you want to suit your needs!


I think the nature of the subject matter coupled with obstacles in production made it difficult to keep making new movies without some inconsistencies so rather than try to preserve perfect continuity the movie makers just threw out the idea of pure consistency completely. The movies are only sequels in a loose sense and vampire lore, being fiction, changes slightly from film to film.


Granted, there were plot holes, but you've got to admit, they certainly add to the movie's fun factor, don't they?

The Webmaster


Plot holes? who made up that running water bit from the last film?
One other thing in most Dracula films the cross burns a vamp and so Drac should've burst into fire when he fell on the cross, it did however make for a great ending.

I still say hey folks you run into a vamp? A bit of gasoline or kerosene and
and light the mother up.
BTW this is something (the gas etc) that is never used in any of my stories.

BTW if I recall on BUFFY and ANGEL the vamps DO/DID cast reflections.
One other item in the BUFFY feature the vamps fly, but not on the show(s).

See some stars here
