First corpse (SPOILER)

I just wanna know who killed the first girl, the one inside the bell (Dracula couldn't cause he was dead himself).
And how could he rise from his grave after receiving the priest's blood if he was still inside of the water (the reason he was dead).
Good one, still.


The scenes with the dead girl in the bell are a prologue. They take place a year before the events of the rest of the film. It's not stated explicitly, but it's implied that the girl was killed during the events of Dracula - Prince of Darkness.


the blood was still wet, ya know?



This is explained (in voice-over) as the Monsignor is riding in his carriage that one year has passed, implying that Dracula was the culprit in the first murder. But I wonder why the body was left hanging in the bell tower of the church? Wouldn't he have wanted to continually feast on her blood somewhere else?

"Cum Grano Salis"


I always wondered about this too, I guess the answer is as good as any -- though the proceedings in Dracula Prince Of Darkness don't leave much time for Dracula to have scuttled off and done her then managed to make it back to the story in time to end up in the ice.


I suppose it could have happened after Alan and Diana escaped from Castle Dracula. Since Dracula's plan to get them both backfired, he'd need to have Klove find someone else to quench his bloodlust.

It's not completely impossible that Klove, Dracula and Helen took a little trip to Kleinenberg while Alan was carrying Diana through the woods. It's certainly the only place in the film where there's room for it.


