Anyone else miss the religious element of vampire mythology?
a lot of modern vampire films make vampirism out to be a blood disease, mutation, or what have you, but they don't have the same appeal to me that these Hammer films do. I much prefer the older settings and more supernatural elements; the modern scientific elements seem to interject too much of today's rationale into a creature that really belongs in the past where gods and magic exist. I miss the days of holy water and crosses being used to repel the undead.
In any case, I loved this movie. The Monsignor was a hard ass climbing up Dracula's mountain like he was on a Dungeons & Dragons quest (interestingly, the Cleric was originally inspired in part by Peter Cushing, as it was created in order to counter another player's vampire character). I wish they would make more movies like this, and ditch the Underworld/Blade/Twighlight crap.