One of the few films on the subject without overwhelming...
...special effects. Kind of a nice, nearly believable touch when you consider how magical vampire films have become. Too much superpower can ruin a film.
share...special effects. Kind of a nice, nearly believable touch when you consider how magical vampire films have become. Too much superpower can ruin a film.
shareI can see what you mean. It's like how it's hard to care about what happens to Superman because nothing can hurt him. I like how Dracula is the oldest and most powerful vampire, and yet he still has his vulnerabilities and mortality. It really raises the stakes.
shareHammer movies from the 60's never had a lot of special effects. Partly because of the budget and because an intelligent script can tell a story without having to rely on effects to advance the plot.
shareRaises the stakes? Pun intended
shareI enjoy it as well. For me, the best horror movies are the ones that focus on the characters on their relationships rather than gore or special effects. I find the characters in this movie to be very fascinating and likable so I enjoyed watching them all.
shareThats why its a plot hole. Vampires are all about superpowers for evil purposes and it should be shown in a film