Occult question

In the beginning seconds of the movie, a series of graphics are shown. One of the graphics is two hands with the middle and ring fingers separated, much like the Mister Spock "Live long and prosper" hand sign.

My question is: Is this sign an occult symbol or sign?


Its of Hebraic significance. That shape is indicative and illustrative of the Hebrew letter 'shin' (ש) which is the first letter in the word "Shaddai", which means "The Almighty", which is one of the names of God. So its certainly a religious symbol, specifically pertaining to Judaism. On many occasions, Leonard Nimoy has related the story of how he based the Vulcan hand sign from Star Trek on his boyhood recollections of rabbis using the gesture as a symbol of blessing.


Many thanks. I appreciate the information and the reply.



It also represents " the left and right handed paths" which Christopher Lee explains the significance of to Rex in the movie.



Good info! Never knew that. So since Shin is the first letter of the name of Satan, and is also the hebrew letter associated with fire, this hand sign could have a double connotation in this sense.

There ain't no Hebrew God, Ozzy's God!


It is also used in England in the 3rd degree of Freemasonry.
