Looking for a film

I saw part of a film when I was around 13 late on tv one night and it has stayed with me ever since. I always thought the film was The Devil Rides Out and so was delighted to have found a copy as I really want see it again, however after watching Devil Rides Out it is clear that this isn't the film I saw all those years ago.

I would be greatful if anyone could help me in finding out what that film was, here's what I know of it:

It was from either the 60's or early 70's and the plot followed a couple (or maybe even two couples) who stumble upon a devil worshipping ritual and are then stalked by these devil worshippers.
I'm not sure if Christopher Lee was in the film or not but I do remember one scene in particular when the couple/s on the run are by a crowded swimming pool and suddenly realise that some of these devil worshippers are in amongst the crowd as everywhere they look these people are starring at them.

Sorry I can't give any more information, I would be greatful for any help in finding out the name of this film as I'd love to see it again.



Easy mistake to make- you are thinking of Race with the Devil with Peter Fonda and Warren Oates. Good creepy horror for its day as well.


Nice one mate, thanx alot, I'll try and track it down now that I now it's name


Since it is over a year since your posting, I'm sure you've seen Race with the Devil by now. Hope you enjoyed it this time as much as when you were a child. I can certainly understand how the memory of that movie could stay with you all these years. It's quite a thrill ride!

All my best!



I remember thinking the same thing about a film called The Frightened City with Sean Connery in a small role. And have to say i still liked it years later.
