A very good movie!

It is a good movie and worth watching when it comes on tv which is does fairly regularly. A lot of people don't know but it was the first movie of it's type being made just before Rosemary's Baby and The Exocist which came out a few years later. Christopher Lee and the cast were great. I saw this when it was still being shown in theatres. I remember walking out and another man came out with his friend beside him and he was shaking his head in amazement and also at how rough this movie was especially for the time. A good movie worth seeing. Television is great but it doesn't have the same effect as on the big screen.


Hammer at their best. They did say some years ago that if Hammer Films had continued to make films like this, they would have remained in business.
An excellent film with an outstanding cast.
They do not make films like this now. Proves just how good British films are.


It was my big brother's favourite Hammer film. He also had about every Denis Wheatley paperback there was. I used to read them and get freaked-out !

You wanna f * * k with me? Okay. Say hello to my little friend! (Tony Montana)




A lifelong horror film love here, and this film has somehow eluded my attention forever! Finely, I saw this film for the first time this evening... It's GREAT. Special effects, storyline, acting, production... Everything is entirely first rate.
This film deserves to be in the "101 Horror Films You Must See Before You Die" book.

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?
