and unethical. it should have gotten an R. jane fonda shows her boobs at the beginning and she has sex with a machine. uh, I think either one of those things on their own means this has to be an r rated movie.
Well, if that movie was made today it would most likely get a PG13 or possibly a R rating. And that opening scene was dumb, naked breasts or not. And in America (which has always be great, despite what that man in the White House thinks), we can approve, or not approve of nudity in films. Boy, I just said a mouthful!
Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night.
yeah bottom line is would you let your under 13 year old kid watch it? as that is who can watch PG movies. should have been an r. it's so stupid and ignorant how they just said oh, well a sex scene and boobs are ok for a little 5 year old to watch.
that was after it was originally made at which time it had a PG rating, which is so negligent, stupid, uncaring, and ignorant given it has boobs and a sex scene.
You don't know what you're talking about. The MPAA rating system didn't go into effect until November 1, 1968. Barbarella was released on October 11, 1968. In other words, neither the PG rating nor any other MPAA rating existed yet when Barbarella was released. Furthermore, the original MPAA ratings, used from 1968 to 1970 were G, M, R, and X. Note the lack of a PG rating. PG didn't exist until 1972, when it replaced the GP rating, which itself had replaced the M rating in 1970.
Barbarella was re-released theatrically in 1977, under the title "Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy", with the nudity edited out. That's the version that was rated PG, which you can see on this 1977 movie poster here:
The original 1968 title was simply "Barbarella", included the nudity, and didn't have an MPAA rating at all, because that would have been impossible, obviously.
The movie is very tame. The bare boobs in the title sequence and later are fleeting glimpses at best. The machine completely covers her up except for her face. There was more sex in When Harry Met Sally.