However, they didn't have to worry about all of the tribes listed. Some, like the Sioux and Cheyenne, for example, but not all.
The Crows, for example, were great thieves but they used to say they never killed a white person - at least up to the great Crow uprising in 1885 where one white man was killed. Since the Sioux and Cheyenne were muscling in on Crow hunting grounds, the Crows were allies of the US during Red Cloud's War in 1866-68 and the Great Sioux War of 1876-77.
And Shoshone might be a problem in western Montana bordering on Idaho. Some of the western Shoshone were part of the hostile groups in the Snake War of 1864-1868 in Oregon, Nevada, and western Idaho, the bloodiest Indian War in the West, and might have raided into Montana.
But any Shoshone seen in central or eastern Montana would probably be eastern Shoshone who had the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming from 1868. The eastern Shoshone under their great chief Washakie (c. 1800-1900) kept at peace with the US and were allies in the Great Sioux war of 1876-77, where Shoshone warriors may have saved the lives of hundreds of US soldiers.
So I guess Dee is just Indian Phobic if he worries about the Crows and the Shoshones.