What if Roddenberry, Trumball, Clarke & Kubrick had teamed up?
after 1968 and formed a production company, using the popular Star Trek series as a vehicle to push SFX and serious science fiction? The market for big budget high tech sci-fi was clearly there, but the studios seem risk adverse and preferred the safer medium to low budget dystopian sci-fi films like Planet of the Apes, Soylent Green, etc. instead. There might perhaps have been a 2001 sequel and the Star Trek series would have started a full decade earlier. There would have been no 10-year gap between 2001 and Star Wars (maybe no Star Wars at all). 2001 was a major blockbuster hit (one of the more successful films of the 60s, in fact) so it always amazed me that there was no real attempt to follow up on its success. Perhaps the studios had the feeling that they couldn't compete with the real life moon landings people could watch for free on television? Lucas ultimately pulled it off because he started his own SFX company and was willing to take the risks and had the vision the studios lacked. I realize Kubrick didn't want there to be a sequel and had the sets destroyed, but perhaps he could have been persuaded to join Trumball, Clarke, and Roddenberry as a silent partner even if no further 2001 films were made. This venture could have proved very profitable and a built-in audience already existed for Star Trek.