MovieChat Forums > The Mod Squad (1968) Discussion > Why no Clarence in DVD interviews?

Why no Clarence in DVD interviews?

I was happy to see Peggy and Michael in the season 1 DVD interviews, but sadly no Clarence. Anyone know why?


I'm guessing Clarence didn't appreciate being typecast by the show. Or he doesn't want to be seen living off of past glories. I also find it interesting that some of the guest stars who had fairly distinguished careers consented to be interviewed (such as Tyne Daly, a friend of Clarence's), but Clarence did not. It could be a lot of reasons. But he had nothing to be ashamed of. He gave "solid" (pun intended) performances.


He continues being a bitter, angry man who will never forive the man. Solid.


Someone posted a comment on youtube that she lives next to Clarence & that she mentioned to him that she enjoyed him in the Mod Squad one day while chatting with him. He was less than pleased...obviously he isn't fond of the show.


Wonder why he joined the series and remained the whole time?


$, probably.


Yeah I should of figured.



Hmm.. He sounds like Kim Fields from "Facts of Life". She has issues with that show, too.


What issues could Clarence have with the show? Michael Cole was asked why Clarence didn't take part in the DVD interviews and Michael said something like the three of them have such love for each other that they never question the decisions of the others. He didn't know why Clarence didn't want to be part of the DVDs and said he wouldn't question it.


Could it be Williams got a lot of flack from the black community at the time? I know Sidney Poitier was ROASTED by the black community at the time, even tho he was the #1 box office star in 1968. Ever notice how different Linc's character was in the early episodes of season 1. He was very much a guy with a sense of humor, the light-hearted funny one who funneled his anger through his humor. By the second season he wore the mask of a militant, who found nothing funny in anything and super cool to the point that he never even took off his shades even in the nighttime scenes. While this was an interesting component, and very ahead of its time, it left Williams, who was a good actor, with a straight-jacketed one dimensional character.


I really do not know...but I think it could be ...that he might be one of those actors who like to look forward, than backwards.

I mean, I often think -- how would I react if people kept hounding me about my first noticeable job? I'd get sick of it, even though my co-workers respected my work, what I did was liked so well by others but it was a different space and time....and we had some nice times, but I didn't get along with my boss so well back then -- something we as young people usually do as we try to move forward as leaders or just trying to keep a roof over out heads.

I like the work I'm doing today, but the possibility exists that I may look back at this time and not wish to talk about it -- as the time one may ask me, might be infinitely better and I'd want my 'fans' to see that.

Just a thought...

Sometimes I go into my own little world but that's okay,they know me there


Could be. Could be.


Maybe he was on drugs, hence the shades, and doesn't look back on that time with fond memories.



Clarece Williams III was left out cuz The Man wants to keep him down!
