Linc Rules

That is all.

"My Uncle still has MY nose...."




the hair, the clothes, the blank stares, Linc comes in a very close to 2nd to Julie in the coolness factor


You forgot the most important factor...Linc's awesome olympic level diving skills. Linc rules.

"My Uncle still has MY nose...."


He did have to jump/dive in every episode, didn't he?
Did stuntmen do all the dives or did "Linc" actually do a few of them?


There a few episodes where you can see it's a stuntman. In the episode A Town Called Sincere, if you slow dowm the fight segment on your DVD you can see they are using a stuntman most of the time. He is thinner than Clarence and has a higher Afro. But then for closeupsn they go back to Clarence.


Is there a single episode where they don't say "solid" or "uptight" at least 2x each?


I think he's pretty wooden. He seems to spend a lot of time staring off into space, even though he's speaking to someone who's sitting right next to him.

Never shows much emotion, but he's awfully protective of Julie.


That staring off into space thing means hes very deep and complex... a troubled soul lost in philosophical thoughts of the human experience.
I just want to know who the hell CW I and CW II were.


I'm convinced he was directed to act like that. Part of his character. Watch the season 2 episode, From Linc With Love, and you'll get a better idea of his skill as an actor.


I'm convinced he was directed to act like that. Part of his character. Watch the season 2 episode, From Linc With Love, and you'll get a better idea of his skill as an actor.

Personally, I love the way he was directed. After carefully observing him, I could tell Williams had more to offer beneath that exterior. Unlike, say, Keanu Reeves- poor guy tries so hard and you can tell! Whereas with Williams, his airtight, cool persona just comes off as so natural that, of course, that would take talent (just like it takes "smarts" to convincingly pull off a dumb blonde).
