Julie's Mother and bad days
I must have seen the episode, Hello Mother My Name Is Julie many times but today it really got to me-especially the scene where Julie's mother tells her she's going to marry this man, who Julie already learned is a thief and a killer,the next day and Julie tries to subtly prepare her by suggesting that it might not work out and her mother says "Everyone is entitled to one good day" and then the next day despite Julie's efforts to stop her, she sees him getting arrested. And I couldn't stop crying because I know how it feels to think Yeah everyone but me is entitled to one good day!
As many times as I watch these episodes I find moments I have forgotten or that touch me for different reasons- definitely different than when I first watched it back in '68-'72 when all I could see was Pete Cochrane aka Michael Cole (he still does it for me).
While the clothes may be dated-though looking at some of the "so called new" fashions I scratch my head as I remember seeing it before-the stories aren't-drugs are still a major issue and violence ethnic issues-really how far we've come yet how far we haven't-and the acting is first rate-not just with the regular cast but when you look at the major guest stars as well as those soon to be major-that show was the place to be!