The Cast had as much fun as the Audience
Two Episodes- Kicks Incorporated w Jack Cassidy& Never Give the Fuzz an Even Break w Maurice Evans- in both one or more of the team go undercover but in these cases the crimes are harmless mischief rather than life&death & it just seems that they all had a lot of fun!
Particularly in the first w Jack Cassidy at his suave "debonaire" best as Greer's golfing buddy-who has an interesting sideline!The scene in the golf course w the cameo from producer Danny Thomas is priceless as Cassidy fights so hard to retain his composure(anyone who's ever known a golfer knows how hard that is under those circumstances)!It's also great to see Michael&Clarence genuinely bust out laughing-their emotions usually forced to go in the other direction!
I have watched Jack Cassidy in a number of guest appearances- most predominantly as a recurring villain on Columbo- each,though the occupations changed, they each, as this one, allowed him to display his charm class wit(his fluency in different languages) and his attractiveness,which adds to his other qualities, I'm sure made women of any age swoon!
But I also understand depression and how such an outward persona can not just hide it but make it inconceivable for even those closest to the person to see or understand!
While we can look at the successes of his career, when you view it from his side and the goals he had set for himself that he didn't achieve but saw others- his wife for a time, Shirley Jones, even his own son David-reaching those heights and beyond-must have been extremely hard!And at that time therapy had not advanced to current levels and what was available was so stigmatized that I'm sure if it was suggested it would have only added to his depression by taking another blow at his ego! And anyone who says he should've been mature enough to be happy for his family and take any recognition he did receive "in stride", falls into the same category as those who say "get over it"-ie you don't have a clue what depression is-and the holidays (New Year's especially) amplify it 10 times more!
I'm not laying blame because it's not anyone's fault, it's just whenever I watch him and enjoy his performance as I do everytime I see episodes like Kicks Incorporated, I find myself thinking- if he had only been able to see and be appreciated for how talented he truly was!
I would also like to know Michael's memories of working with him-though they didn't really have any scenes together,they were both on the set at the same time?
I didn't give away anything because I didn't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't had the sheer pleasure of watching it!