I like how they mirror the Beatles

I know this probably is so obvious but H-B did a good job of caricaturing the Beatles even as the group itself was morphing from mop tops into Sgt. Pepper.
Bingo was John, Fleegle was Paul, Drooper was George and Snorky was Ringo.


Reportedly, the original Fleegle may have died in an automobile accident in 1969 and been replaced with a look-alike...If you play the "Tra-la-la" song backwards you can hear "turn me on dead dog"...


i always thought the banana splits
looked a lot like the monkees
mickey dolenz is a dead ringer for bingo
as is mike mesmith for lanky drooper
(a tossle cap would have clinched it
but might have been a little obvious)
peter tork is mirrored in the quiet,
shaggy (and not-too-bright) snorky
and davey jones is the puppy dog fleagle

while i admit the splits are
remininscent of the beatles as well,
this is most probably indirect...
the monkees are based on the beatles and
the banana splits were based on the monkees

