Banana Splits Fan Club

I still have the certificates verifying my membership in the official Banana Splits Fan Club! My parents must have signed me up 'cause I was pretty young back then. Somehow the certificates were squirreled away in a drawer somewhere for decades and were presented to me within the last couple years! I loved watching this show! Wonder if the Splits will enjoy a renewed prominence in the collective musical consciouness through the repeated use of the word "Bananas" in Gwen Stefani's megahit "Hollaback Girl?" Wouldn't that be something? Revivals have been ignited by a lot less!


I was also a member of the Fan Club. I'm sure I still have the certificate somewhere. I was like 6 or 7 and LOVED this show!


Hi all,

Was in Banana Split a serie where there was a mixed char of humans and cartoons in an arab oriental medieval ambiance ?



Banana Splits had different segments:
(1) bits involving animal-costumed live actors, often with voice-overs by major cartoon voice-over talents -- goofy humor (including dumb riddles in which the answer always included "banana"), slapstick, and intermittent musical numbers with silly goings-on
(2) a variety of animated adventure stories, including one recurring set called "The Arabian Knights" <-- I think this is what you had in mind
(3) live-action segments of a serial adventure called "Danger Island" (with bits that would surely be unacceptable today, involving a Polynesian character who spoke gibberish -- by an actor who currently is a major stuntman and has his own school for training stunt specialists)

Don't get me wrong -- I *loved* this show and watched it in syndication every afternoon. I'm having a blast watching the old episodes from Boomerang that my DVR saves for me at 4:30 a.m. But much as with "Speed Racer," another childhood fave, part of the fun is seeing what ludicrous plot gimmicks slipped right past me as a child. :)
