Where was Danger Island filmed?

From the geography, coastal features and kelp beds, it looks like the California coastline. TV studios, particularly in the 1960's, were notoriously budget-conscious, and rarely ventured forth from the backlot. If so, they generally kept within a 50 mile radius of Los Angeles. Aside from the obvious use of a studio set for the cave scenes, most of the show was filmed outdoors, although the same riverbed, valley, and coast appeared over and over. Does anyone know the location?


Santa Catalina off the california coast i believe.

Member: Society to have the Andromedians turn Wesley Crusher into a small Styrofoam dodecahedron.


I never considered Catalina. Now that you mention it, the terrain does seem to fit. The vegetation does seem a bit "thick" for the mainland. Thanks!


It could have been filmed on one of the other Channel Islands. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel_Islands_of_California


Very possible. I think, however, we may be looking too far afield, so to speak, because we are after all referring to a very low-budget segment of a very low-budget children's television show. Again, even motion picture companies stayed close to home (i.e. the studio and backlot) in those days, despite their larger budgets. Unless the actors and crew could drive to the location, or be shuttled from the studio, it would then necessitate lodging, catering, transfer of equipment, etc. This cost could be more than the alloted budget for the show. Only if the cast and crew went for a short (eg. two weeks) location shoot and filmed all thirty-something episodes, with follow-up studio shots, would it be economical. If there is one thing that is certain, the bottom-line was watched very closely.


It appears that there were shots of Catalina or another island off the Southern California coast that were continually recycled for the establishing shots but I'll bet the rest of the shows were filmed in a studio.


I think a better question is WHY was DANGER ISLAND filmed? I know it's a kids show, but, come on, it was TERRIBLE!!!
It's a tough universe...If you're going to survive, you've really got to know where your towel is.


Sure it was, but only if one is looking back through the "sophisticated" eyes of adulthood. For a child of appropriate age, it was innocent fun and adventure. I believe we look at things too coldly and with cynicism these days because we've lost our basic sense of whimsy and FUN! It is merely a nostalgic look back at an entertaining little show that brings fond memories.


I'm sorry, but even as a Kids show, it was terrible. Did you ever see the fight scenes? It's more like a dance competition. It was simply too over the top and campy. But it was fun to watch!!
It's a tough universe...If you're going to survive, you've really got to know where your towel is.


Yes, I am sure you all think it was a crap show. What is wrong with sometimes reliving a more innocent, sillier time when all we had to worry about was whether or not it would rain on Saturday, or if Dad would bring us home some treat? Come on, guys, where is your sense of nostalgia? What is the betting that some jaundiced adults forty years from now are looking back and saying the same things about what our kids are drooling over!


im sorry, but if it were so god awful, i never wouldve remembered it

"uh oh, chongo"

40 years....god im old


I remember watching it as a kid, and even then I knew it was stupid. I think I remember it BECAUSE it was so god AWFUL!! I do like the THREE MUSKATEERS and ARABIAN KNIGHTS cartoons. They are dumb in a fun way. I like the older cartoons, and would watch them anytime over the new cartoons kids are watching today. But I suppose our parents said the same thing about what we watched as kids! Remember HONG KONG PHOOEEY??
It's a tough universe...If you're going to survive, you've really got to know where your towel is.


If you are trying to say something detrimental about Hong Kong Phooey, then as the saying goes: "them's fightin' words". I think perhaps you failed to see the absolute brilliance of HKP. You see, the cat sidekick named Spot was, in fact, not a spotted cat, but a striped one. PURE.UNADULTERATED.GENIUS.


If you're watching 'Fullscreen' DVDs, you aren't getting the whole picture.


My four year old loves the show, can't wait for it to come on when we watch the reruns of the Banana Splits. It's nice to have a program, even if it is 37 years old, that we can both watch. Thank you Boomarang.


Yeah, I thought Danger Island was awesome, even to this day. Three Musketeeers was the only thing I thought was overall very poorly done.


Quote: But it was fun to watch!!

Isn't that a good enough reason to watch? It WAS silly, and cheap, but it was pure escapist entertainment, and brightened me up no end when it came on!!


Boomerang is good, because my 4 year old daughter love the show! The show was on when I was 4 when it premiered, so I guess I guess this Beatle baby is getting old too.
Mommy to two little monsters


I love Boomerang. there's only a couple of shows on there I don't like. When they first came out I e-mailed them and asked for Dick Dastardly and Muttley. Not too long after that they started showing them and have been ever since. If you pay attention the same person does the laugh for Muttley and Precious Pup. The one thing I miss was when they had Boomeraction all day on Saturday. Now you just get a few at night. I'd love to see the original Spiderman from the 60's on there. I e-mailed and asked for that and Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse. If you go to Cartoon Network's site they have a contact us link at the bottom of the page. let's get some different toons on.



I think all your points are valid: the island could be a Channel Island, probably Catalina as it would be cheapest and require the least permitting. I think we should consider the islands off Baja, too, as it could have justified a fishign trip.

The outdoor, jungle, shots, are either, not in the US, or in a planted jungle, like, but not the LA Arboretum. Because of the shots that include a wild vista, I'm somewhat at a loss for location - a lot in LA would have a familiar sky line, and it's nothing like the coastal mountains (think MASH). I think by the extras and the not-California flora, a VERY low budget location like Mexico or the Phillipines could be possible - note that all the shots are day shots and especially bright, so reflectors could have provided the additional lighting.

Anyway, glad someone else had the same question I did.


Baja is a good guess. At the beginning of the series Link washes up onto a beach with large cliffs/boulder formations in the background. From the look of the surf and the position of the sun I could make a case for Baja. I still maintain that even the Phillipines would be a budgetary stretch for a cheap show...Mexico is a possibility although dubious. The opening shots for each segment are no doubt Channel Islands as they are within reach of the studio. What throws us off is exactly what you point out-many shots show a very wide expanse with no familiar geographic landmarks to aid in identification. They feature thick vegetation which is too lush for Catalina and rocky valleys, in addition to several overgrown rivers. Of course, the day shots are cheaper than night. It's a puzzler! I'm sure if we ever get a definitive answer we'll slap our foreheads!


Actually, one other possibility is to be found in, of all places, another Jan-Michael Vincent film, i.e. "The World's Greatest Athlete". All the "African" jungle scenes were shot in a wildlife park in California with similar vegetation. I don't remember the name of the park. Anyone?


The answer is actually Mexico. This can be verified by watching director Richard Donner's interview at http://www.emmytvlegends.org/interviews/people/richard-donner (chapter 5). Here he discusses the Mexican actors and crew that were hired along with Jan-Michael Vincent buying a large bag of "grass" that everyone enjoyed while filming the show.


At last! You are absolutely correct. I watched the interview with Richard Donner and he does confirm that he and the actors checked into the Hilton hotel in Acapulco to film the series. He states they hired local actors, hauled equipment into the jungle, and improvised most of the show. He does talk about the huge $50.00 bag of pot that Jan bought and which they all shared, including himself! Well, the mystery is solved-I have to admit I was surprised and stand corrected-good detective work! Just goes to show it was not an easy location to pinpoint. Thanks.


Makes sense - there are times in the show when Frank Aletter seemed like he'd had a few drinks; but maybe it was from Jan-Michael's magic bag... :)
