Banana Splits Movie

I've written a movie screenplay based on the series simply titled "The Banana Splits". I envision it as a live-action/CG animated picture as opposed to actors in costumes. They'd be realistic looking animals, not human-sized freaky things Lol. I know The Banana Splits aspect of the show was just goofy skits in between segments but my movie script focuses on them only and I include references and homages to Danger Island, Arabian Knights, the Sour Grapes, and even The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park (which I'm considering making a script for as well).

Fleegle is the heart of the movie, and main focus as far as the Splits. He's the pet dog of a zookeeper (who's the main human character) and the others: Bingo, Drooper, and Snorky are animals at said zoo. It's essentially a story of they met, became friends and became superstars. I also inserted some of their gags (like "Fleegle! Get the mail" and he has a hard time getting the mail).

So far I've let an older relative who grew up watching the original show read the script and she says its great and stays true to the spirit of the Banana Splits. Spoiler alert: I only include the "Tra La La" song ONCE in the whole thing and it'd be the very last song performed. Save the best for last!

tRuE sTAR LeGEnd
