MovieChat Forums > The Banana Splits Adventure Hour (1968) Discussion > the song you cant get out of your head

the song you cant get out of your head

one part of the bannana splits i remember well is the young girl who sings (tra la la boomsy a tra la la boomsy a)when ever one of the splits opens the you rember this.for some reason it sticks in my head till this day.p.s. i think i should get some help, or maybe a dvd fix could help.


Actually I hadn't thought about that for about 30 years but thanks to you I do now...and yes, it is one of those things you can't get rid of.. :-P

Was she the little kid with the huge Mexican guitar (at least it looked huge the way the fish eye lens on the camera was used)?

I also remember that strange "ape"- thing over the door with the lightbulbs for ears or something. Very strange show.

And having Richard Donner (later directed "Superman" and "Lethal Weapon" among many other films) directing the "danger Island" segment was pretty bizarre (but I guess everyone has to start somewhere) and Jan Michael Vincent was the teenage son on there.


It was a moose head, and the ears lit up as it dispensed various sage-like soundbites to the Splits.


Incidentally, did anybody ever wonder why all the Splits wore firemans helmets????


Oh, a moose head! Thanks... whenever I saw it, based on the shape of its face I thought it was a member of Drooper's family. No, seriously... that's what I thought.

Maybe their "clubhouse" was a fire station, thus the helmets? They also had the (curved) fireman's pole to slide down.


He also Directed the Omen. How weird is that.


He did The Omen? Wow, no wonder this show was messed-up.

As to the OP: yes, ta raa raa boom-de-ay has been circling round my head like a confused mosquito for the last 30 years. Have never shaken it off.

Just a painted face on a trip down suicide row


I always thought it was bizarre that the Banana Splits theme song was basically covered later by Bob Marley -- listen to the theme song and then "Buffalo Soldiers" and the hook is the same.


Finaly, someone else can see the similarity between the Splits theme tune, and Bwob Mwarley's Buffalo Soldiers. I thought I was going mad


Yep when I hear the Bab Marley song on the radio, I always sing the Banana Splits song to it!


The only song I remembered from that kids show was the theme song. Wish I could remember what they looked like.... But the "Tra la la boomdy aye" song.... is that the same one that goes to the "typical 3rd grade rhyme"?... "Tra la la boomdy aye, I'll take your pants away. And while your standing there, I'll take your underwear. I'll throw you in the dirt, and take your undershirt. And what is left on you, I'll take right off of you." NOW, how's THAT for something that sticks in your head!!! ;-)


See my answer to "Girl Singers" - there wer 2 little girls with big guitars called "The Dilly Sisters".



"The Dilly Sisters on the Banana Splits Show '

Can you fly this plane?
Surely u cant be serious
I am serious,and dont call me Shirley


I remember it. I believe there was a girls' club called the Sour Grapes club that pulled pranks on them, and the Splits seemed to fall for them because they apparently had this "aw shucks" crush on them. A photo of the Splits comparing One Direction unfavorably to them has been circling on Facebook lately. I even shared it. Such nostalgia. I was till living in the greater San Francisco Bay Area when I caught it in reruns int he early '70s. It had all the Hanna-Barbera tropes, including the same music. It was so strange because it was psychedelia for kids. For the last few days, I have been wanting to revisit the show. In fact Liz Phair and I forget who did a duet covering the show's title theme. Also a fun opening to the show. It was dumb in a fun way. Of course Fleegle's voice, supplied by Paul Winchell, was recognizable.



"The Banana Splits Opening and Closing Theme 1968 - 1970"

"One Banana Two Banana Three Banana Four, Four Banana's Make a Bunch and So Do Many More"

Can you fly this plane?
Surely u cant be serious
I am serious,and dont call me Shirley
