Eyewitness - Justified shooting??
Watched Eyewitness yesterday. It ends with Malloy & Reed cornering some violent robbery suspects to a place called Travel Town, which looked like some sort of train museum or something. Anyway, the bad guys had shot their robbery victim and had also shot numerous times at Malloy & Reed during the chase. But then Malloy shoots one of the bad guys... as he's running away. Is that considered a "good" shoot? Seems kind of questionable to shoot at someone who is not only not shooting at anybody at that moment, but who is also in the act of running away. Every time I see this episode I wonder whether Pete's shooting is justified. Also, a moment or two later Reed shoots the other bad guy, and it looks as if he killed him. But the episode ends there and we don't see any consequences. In real life we know that they'd both have to go through the post-shooting process and questioning, and Reed would be accountable if the guy is dead, but none of that is addressed.