Episode "Roll Call"

No, I'm not going to comment about Reed's inept handling of the pizza, that's been covered already.

I'm wondering about the actual roll call itself, as Shaaron reads off the units for check-in. I wonder if there was any particular 'rhyme or reason' for the order she called them out in. She went from Adam units to Zebra units to X-ray units in a seemingly random fashion. But knowing this show, I'm sure there was some reason for the order of them. I just don't know what it was.


Just a stab in the dark, but maybe it had to do with their assigned patrol areas.

I'm wondering what they did to allow for officers that were away from their cars - either on a call or a code 7 - and in no trouble but unaware they needed to respond.


Patrol areas is a good guess. For the officers that were Code 6 or 7, if you remember Reed and Malloy were sent to check up on one such case (think it was Woods and his partner) who were Code 6 at a location and missed the check-in. They confirmed that the officers were alright and continued patrol. That may have been how they handled all situations like that. Nearest car is sent out to confirm a normal situation.


Yes, patrol area makes as much sense as anything else. And I'm sure there were other cases of one unit being sent to check up on another, as Adam-12 did with Woods.

As for Code 7, remember, each unit has to be 'approved' for Code 7, so Shaaron would have known which ones were on 7 at that time, and would wait for their 7 to end and be sure they checked in.
