Favorite and Least Favorite Guest Star performances?
There's a thread started by someone complaining about the guest stars on Adam 12 overacting. But surely there are some good guest turns on the show? As well as some weak ones. What are your favorite and least favorite guest star turns?
For me:
Favorite: Anytime Virginia Gregg pops up in a show. She always delivered, especially as blowsy characters. No wonder Jack Webb used her over and over again on his shows.
Least Favorite: Tina Sinatra on the Season 5 episode The Late Baby as Officer Wells niece. If her name wasn't Sinatra I doubt she would have gotten the job. She was so stiff (especially when next to Gary Crosby, a singer/actor's kid who could perform) it was no wonder she didn't have much of an acting career. And while it's not a fault of her performance, but having the show end with the revelation she's about to have a date with a cop played by her brother was taking inside joke to a pretty twisted place.