You always have fun replies here and I hate to have to snap you back from the edge of discovery, but the car you're showing in both shots is a Ford model of some kind, you can tell by the sharp upswept fender creases and the creases down the side of the car.
So it's not an Adam 12 unit as all, which were of course Chrysler and AMC cars.
Also, it has the "double gumball" lights on top, while the Adam 12 boys always had the LAPD "soup cans". And since the shows had a big overlap in production years, they wouldn't have been swapping the lights, since the Adam 12 lights and siren need holes drilled into the roof and the other lights are bolted to or through the drip rails for the windows on the side.
Believe it or not, to boys into cars, the differences are as obvious as a ball and a cube.
The 0 to 8 conversion is also a bit suspect, as a past graphic designer, I'd say they just used an 8, it looks like the proper number for the typeface, not a conversion, but that I don't know for sure. But since they wouldn't have been swapping the cars, there's really no reason for them to not just put different numbers on it entirely.