MovieChat Forums > Wait Until Dark (1967) Discussion > The acting in this film is cringeworthy ...

The acting in this film is cringeworthy and embarrassing.

I have never been so irritated by bad and unrealistic acting in my life. Not every movie in 1967 was this bad and this was bad. How this can be a 7.8 only makes me think I am the only person NOT on drugs.

Marion Cotillard, Keira Knightley and Alizee are the most beautiful women on Earth.


Yeah...that's why Hepburn was nominated for an Academy award...and Arkin almost was.

Troll elsewhere, ya trollin' 'bout Trollsburg, Trollsyvania?

The unholy triumvirate:
The Bat, the Trek, the Bond


So because the Academy says so...yours and my opinion means nothing? Really?

Marion Cotillard, Keira Knightley and Alizee are the most beautiful women on Earth.


Actually, I think it's the changes from the stage to the screen that are cringeworthy, for the most part.

If you have seen the play, the relationship between Susy and Sam is much less one-sided-- she's a willing participant in the "World's Champion Blind Woman" games, if that makes sense, and has a sense of humor, something that feels missing from the character in the film, but it really isn't Audrey Hepburn's fault. You have to see (or at least read) the play, and compare it to the film. Susy has been watered-down for the screen, as though the producer (who was Hepburn's husband, whom she divorced soon after the film was released), or some studio executive thought audiences just couldn't handle an independent blind woman, and Susy had to start out at the bottom of the self-esteem barrel at the film's beginning. She is much more matter-of-fact about her abilities and limitations in the play.

However, and oddly, the film is actually more realistic in what day-to-day rehab would be like for someone who had been blind for about a year, after being an adult with normal sight. In the play, the things Susy does to compensate, or keep track of information seem made up on the spot, and sometimes pretty far-fetched. Maybe it is supposed to pre-figure the bulb-breaking, but keeping track of phone numbers with sugar cubes is silly. A lot of the things Susy does, the way she tries to use Braille to keep track of phone numbers, types up the shopping list, looks for the pepper shaker, look like real things someone has been taught in rehab, and she does them the way someone who hasn't been blind very long would so them (I was a sign language interpreter, and I had a Deaf-blind certification, so I've been around a lot of blind people).

I think Hepburn deserves a lot of credit. I got the impression that she tried at least a little to reel in melodrama that was getting out of hand, by injecting some realism.


Don't agree with the OP; the acting was good in this, but the Oscar nominations often mean nothing...need anyone say more than John Wayne/True Grit? And he's only one of a number.


You'd have to say a lot more than "John Wayne/True Grit". Wayne was a superb film actor, and deserved nominations for several of his performances, including "True Grit".


I'm with Mitsub - especially the minor roles.


Really. What's your resume. What have you acted in. What acting or film school did you go to? What makes you say this? Credentials please.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Last movie watched: Wait Until Dark (7/10)


Oh, the drug argument. If someone doesn't like something that someone else does, it's gotta be drugs.


The OP is cringeworthy and embarrassing.

knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


Baffling comment. The acting in this film was superb.


Absolutely. The acting is the best part!


AH acting style was too old Hollywood. Too melodramatic. The others were fine.
