I cannot speak much German, but from what I gather according to Germany's Amazon it seems to be a very "barebones" disc, like the UK one I own. Shame; it would be nice to have some extras (a commentary by Ian Ogilvy would be great!).

Interesting title though! I would have thought it'd just be called 'Die Zauberer' (if that's correct. Again, my German is rather appalling).


E-M-S German DVD (Google-translated review):-
http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://w ww.dvd-palace.de/dvd-review-r5t2661.htm&sa=X&oi=translate&; resnum=4&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Ddvd%2B%2522Im%2BBanne%2B des%2BDr.%2BMonserrat%2B%2522%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26as_qdr%3Dall

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


Sorry I should maybe have put this on this thread, about the superior [?] NEO Publishing French DVD... with extras.


Incidentally, the same company put out Reeves' "Witchfinder General" fully restored director's cut on DVD months before the Midnite Movies Region 1 disc was released - and although it doesn't feature that disc's Ian Ogilvy commentary, it is a vast improvement on any of the UK discs (particularly the current one).

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,
