The Shuttered Room on DVD

I finally got this on DVD after years of not being able to see it since my childhood. I vaguely remember this being a scary film, but hadn't seen it in so long - my memories of it were rather spotty. Now that I've seen it again, it's not so much scary as more of a moody type mystery/character driven film. The quality of the film on the DVD is OK. It's fairly clean, but there are some parts of the movie where you can see lots of dirt and such from the original film. The jazz soundtrack is pretty cool and lends an uncomfortable air to the story. There are no extras of any kind. No trailers, no commentary and no chapter selections on the main menu. Very bare bones.

The Shuttered room isn't anywhere near as scary as I remember it, and some of the plot is very odd and stilted, but it still stands out as a decent film with lots of atmosphere.

The DVD is coupled with another movie "It". Not the Stephen King adaptation, but a mid 1960's British film with Roddy McDowell as a museum worker who keeps his Mom's cadaver around the house and converses with her. But the cadaver is not the "It". "It" is the 400 year old stone golem that seems to be killing people and McDowell's character seems to be able to control it, or can he?


Who puts this out on DVD? I loved it as a kid, although it terrified me, and would like to see it again after all these years.

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